Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties will be invited to participate June 12th.
Race Overview
The Ventura Outrigger Challenge is a Southern California Outrigger Canoe Racing Association (SCORA) race hosted by Hokuloa Outrigger Canoe club in Ventura, CA. Our race draws racers from Southern California to race in competitive divisions including Open, Masters, Senior Masters and Golden. We are pleased to be able to invite clubs from Ventura and adjacent counties to compete in the 2021 competition as a post-COVID return to competition.
Race Rules
- Women/Coed
- Men
- Women - 19 & Under
- Women - Golden Masters UL
- Women - Golden Masters
- Women - Masters
- Women - Masters UL
- Women - Senior Masters
- Women - Senior Masters UL
- Women - Spec
- Women - Unlimited
- Co-Ed - Masters
- Co-Ed - Masters UL
- Co-Ed - Sr Masters
- Co-Ed - Sr Masters UL
- Co-Ed - Juniors (Long)
- Co-Ed - Open
- Co-Ed - Open UL
- Men - 19 & Under
- Men - Golden Masters
- Men - Masters
- Men - Senior Masters
- Men - Spec
- Men - Unlimited
- Men - Golden Masters UL
- Men - Masters UL
- Men - Senior Masters UL
Race Rules
SCORA Race Rules apply. All paddlers under SCORA and from all visiting crews, including all coaches, escort skippers, guests on escort boats, and any person who accompanies that crew must sign a 2021 SCORA Release of Liability Waiver. Please carefully read the event protocols for COVID safety included at the end of this document.
Google: Harbor Cove Beach, Ventura, CA
Driving North on the 101 Freeway, take exit 68 Seaward Avenue. Turn Left on Seaward Avenue. Take the next left on Harbor Blvd. After approximately 3 miles, turn right onto Spinnaker Drive. The venue is located at the end of Spinnaker drive on the left-hand side.
Trailer Unloading/Parking
Trailers may park in the dirt lot at the end of Spinnaker Drive. See the map below for details. Trailers will be unloaded from the dirt parking lot. Please rig canoes in the designated area on the north end of the beach. The dirt lot will be available starting at 6:00 am Saturday Jun 12 for unloading. It is the responsibility of coaches/crews to maintain distance from other crews during this process.
Racer Parking
Parking is free, and racers are encouraged to park in the lot on the west side of Spinnaker nearest to the dirt lot and on the street. Due to the smaller scale of the event, remote parking is not expected to be required this year. Race event parking is prohibited in harbor retail spots. Our ability to retain the race site depends on being good neighbors.
Schedule of Events (Subject to Change)
6:00 AM Parking lot opens for trailer unloading/rigging (Please do not set up camps on the beach since there is only one race.)
7:30 AM Crew check in (no race day registration)
8:30 AM Steersperson meeting
9:00 AM Race Launch (Single race)
No post-race activities are scheduled. Please load canoes after completion of your race. If you decide to use the beach after the race, please follow current COVID protocols.
Race Merchandise
We are now accepting orders for the Ventura Outrigger Challenge Commemorative Post-Pandemic 2021 Race Shirt – PREORDERS ONLY. Sales close June 1, 2021.
Order today at: hokuloa-outrigger.square.site
Food, Beverage, and Services
No food or beverage services will be provided for the race due to COVID protocols. Local restaurants in the harbor are open for business. Please plan ahead for your food and beverage needs. There will be no beer garden, vendors, silent auction, raffle, or other amenities at the beach. Ventura Harbor businesses are open if you’d like to shop after the race.
Awards and Medals
To avoid congregating on the beach, there will not be an awards ceremony this year. Awards will be announced electronically.
Location and Regulations
Please no smoking at the race location. Alcohol is not allowed on the beach or in the parking areas. Harbor Cove Beach is a dog-friendly beach. Keep your dog on a leash.
Safety Boats
From Harbor Boulevard, turn right onto Schooner Drive. Schooner Drive will dead-end after one block. Turn right on Anchors Way. Boat launch is on the left off Anchors Way on the northeast side of the harbor.
For hotels, motels, and camping, visit: http://www.ventura-usa.com/hotels/ for camping also visit: http://www.parks.ca.gov
2021 Special Safety Protocols
The health and safety of our members, competitors and staff is our top priority. We will implement appropriate physical distancing and segregation of clubs. We will continue to evolve with the government and public health agencies guidelines and adhere to any requirements and safety measures in accordance with the specific beach precincts. Please familiarize yourself with the following protocols to properly prepare for this year’s event. These protocols are a part of our permit. It is the responsibility of coaches to ensure that team members follow these protocols.
1- The contest site will not provide any food, beverage, or other vendor services.
2- The contest site will not utilize competitor or sponsor tents on the contest perimeter as to eliminate congregation.
3- One tent/table will be set up at the SCORA table for check-in. The number of participants will be limited to persons from Ventura and adjacent counties.
4- All staff members will be required to wear masks.
5- All participants are encouraged to be vaccinated or tested 72 hours prior to the event.
6- Check-in will be performed by only one team representative and will be performed one at a time with physical distancing and masks required.
7- The race is an intra-club competition between private clubs with no general public participation.
8- Spectators are not encouraged, and no facilities will be provided for spectators, in order to discourage gathering to spectate.
9- Loading and unloading of canoes will occur in the dirt lot adjacent to the beach. Teams will maintain 6’ distance at minimum between team loading/unloading sites. While loading and unloading canoes from trailers, participants will be required to wear masks.
10- Participants will wear masks while rigging/unrigging of canoes on the beach.
11- Event perimeter will be marked and ribboned off with cones and delineation tape to prevent mixing of the event participants with the general public or other events at the beach. Use of the dirt lot for loading and unloading will facilitate segregation of participants from the public.
12- Contest results will be announced electronically. There will be no gathering by competitors for awards at the end of the race.