Every team should have a simple change protocol in place. Maybe that protocol will vary depending on the team and their driver, but it needs to be followed regardless of the experience level.

1) Before any paddlers jump into the water the engine needs to be in neutral.

    2) A Spotter, other than the Captain, will verify that the prop is disengaged and will give the call for each paddler to jump.

    3) When every paddler has swum well clear of the boat, the Spotter will notify the captain that the prop can be engaged.

    4) When picking up paddlers the same process will be reversed. The Captain will come within swimming distance of the paddlers and then disengage the prop.

    5) When the Spotter verifies that the prop is disengaged, they will call to the paddlers to swim to the idling boat.

    6) The Spotter should be at the boat ladder or swim-step location to view  the swell action and affect on the escort boat stability (rocking motion), let the swell action settle down before attempting a paddler retrieval.

    7) Having a floating line with small bouy attached for throwing will help in bringing paddlers to the boat. A Spotter may want to assist the paddlers on board

    8) Having the paddlers coming in on the boat’s steering station side of the vessel also puts the Captain in better view of paddlers in the water.

    More than anything else, the paddlers, the coaches, and the drivers all need to be aware of the acute danger of propellers and ocean conditions.

    Outrigger Safety Video – Click Here